Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kaushal Sedhai, Individualism vs. Collectivism

Individualism and collectivism were one of the five cultural dimensions founded by Geert Hofstede. On one side, individualism explains how the societies' individuals are concerned about only themselves and their own family. On the other side we have collectivism where the individuals in a society are part of a group and are concerned not only about themselves but others in their group. Their group might consists of their whole family like grandparents, uncles, and their friends. Individuals who practice individualism only have to worry about their small family including themselves and might be independent and self-progress minded. One of the examples of where they practice individualism is United States. Though people do have communication with others in their society, they're only concerned about their own success. Also usually, Americans main goal is a better quality and higher standard of living than their parents. On the other hand we have countries like Guatemala where the individuals depend on their society and their society depends on them. The individuals feel like they have a duty to do not only for themselves but for their whole society. These people are usually dependent and have a close relationship with everyone in their society. Their society's success to them is like their own.

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