Sunday, September 18, 2011

Abenezer Amare, Uncertainty Avoidance

Based on Hofstede's Cultural Dimension, Uncertainty Avoidance is defined as "degree to which people feel threatned by the unknown or ambigous situations and have developed beliefs, institutions or rituals to avoid them." There are many religions out there and some follow them for the reason of uncertainty avoidance. The reason people do that is because some people fear what comes after a person dies and would like to live their lives in a way that makes them think they will go to heaven. Being said that, many religions come from old cultures and get passed down from generation to generation. For example the relgion of Christianty, it originated in the eastern Mediterranaen coast in the Middle East or modern day Israel and Palestine and it has spread to Middle East, North Africa and Ethiopia. This could explain why so many Ethiopians, including myself are Christians. Although people try to follow all the rules their religion has, people prefer implicit or flexible rules. For example in some religions it might be a sin to eat pork or any kind of meat, but people make exceptions at times to eat it even though its against their religion. This shows a very weak Uncertainity avoidance. Being said that, Uncertainity Avoidance can differ people to people and culture to culture. Uncertainity Avoidance for some religions might be very strict than others, for example in the religion is Islam, it is very difficult because they have many rules to obey, and duties to follow obediantly.